Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bazi . Pictorial . Divination

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Xuan Kong Da Gua Calculator for iPhone is launched!

5. Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches in the 64 Hexagrams
Go to iTunes and seach for "Da Gua" to download.
Start touching on each yao to have fun!
Monday, December 6, 2010
A Breakthrough in Learning Bazi
“Master Jo Ching is a good teacher. Very patient and detailed in his explanation. His useful tips really broaden our mind on bazi. Thank you Master Jo Ching. Will look forward to attend your future courses.” – Anne Sim
“Very easy to understand and practical workshop conducted by a sincere trainer.” – Samantha Ling
“A lot of case studies, information given and shared. Easy for me now to see weak or strong chart ; how to see positive or negative stars in relation to 10 Gods. Jo is very patient, shares a lot in class and he explains till we understand before he moves to another topic.” – Fiona Soh
“Thank you for sharing with us your knowledge. It has been enlightening.” – Bing Qiang
“A lot of knowledge provided.” – Darren Soh
“You are great! Always willing to share. Jia You!” – Catherine Tay
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What is in my Bazi to be so flabby?

Saturday, November 20, 2010
The First of its Kind. Coming soon...

NB: Feel free to drop us your comments and ideas. Your success is our success.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
This House always Strikes Lottery

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Xuan Kong Da Gua and Ten Gods

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Jo Ching's Chinese Metaphysics Sharing Session
Topic : What’s In your Bazi to be Successful – An Insight into Wealth and Spouse Stars
Date : 18 November 2010, Thursday
Time : 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm [Class will start at 7:30 sharp]
Venue : #03-12 Furama Hotel (City Centre), [Next to Chinatown MRT]
Fee : Free!
Limited seats for 25 pax. Please sign up now!
In conjunction with the 3rd Anniversary of our blog Heaven.Man.Earth, we will give away 2 free bazi consultations to lucky winners at the end of the session.
To sign up, please email your FULL NAME and MOBILE NUMBER to jo.fengshui@gmail.com
NB: No food and voice recording are allowed in the venue. However, you are encouraged to take notes.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wireless and Qi
Marrying a Good Wife

For those of you who are blessed to have such a good wife from a bazi perspective, please continue to treasure her, love her and do not take her for granted. I heard of real life stories that there were successful businessmen who experienced a plunge in career when they become unfaithful and later on divorced by their wife. One of them becomes taxi driver as a matter of fact.
PS: I am not implying that we do not then love our wife who are less than ideal - again in bazi sense. Don't get me wrong.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Extract the Yao Change the Image 抽爻换象 - Part 2a
Based on the example in my earlier post, you can see that the sitting hexagram changes from one point to another - at least a difference of 2 mountains. Does that mean that during the implementation, the tomb sitting or house main door has to be tilted to such a manner? I think if this is the case then Chou Yao Huan Xiang might not be as beautiful as it is perceived.
There are a few layers of calculation on the hexagrams respectively for Dragon, Mountain, Facing and Water before we arrive at the sitting hexagram we want to create the result.
The sitting hexagram is the crux that we do the yao extraction to change to the image we want. The numbers within the hexagram must conform to either of the following:
1. He Tu
2. Sum of 5
3. Sum of 10
4. Sum of 15
Then steps are taken to check if the same criteria will apply to inter-hexagrams.
If everything conforms, congratulation, you have hit Yi Gua Cun Qing.
Sound too simple? It is that straight forward but the challenge here is how to get a house into such a spot.
Can this method be applied for a HDB flat? Or can you create such a formation in your bedroom or office?
I believe it can.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Excuse me, how come I am still Single?

Does this mean all HO ladies are doomed when romance is concerned? Not really. In my humble opinion, to keep your man, there are 2 possible avenues:
A) Practise self mastery to control the explosive side of you [using Resource element to control]
B) Reward them [using Wealth element to arbitrate]
Different folks different strokes. But I would always advise my clients to go for option A and adopt a "3-Less" approach - less impatient, less egoistic and less blunt.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Extract the Yao Change the Image 抽爻换象 - Part 1
Sunday, September 19, 2010
10 October 2010 - Good to get wed?

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Once in a Life Time

Saturday, August 28, 2010
OK, so to cut a long story short, my knees were “treated” but they did not recover fully. So I went overseas and stayed at my friend's place. As my friend was preparing to be a monk, he brought me along for some meditation lessons as well. I also did some volunteer work at the temple.
One day, I was strolling in the compound of the temple with a monk and chanced upon a grasshopper with only one leg. (Picture attached)

So I asked the monk what I should do to avert my current sufferings? He told me that I should sincerely repent my mistakes. Now, repenting our mistakes sincerely does not neutralise the negative karma. However, by realising and repenting our mistakes and asking for forgiveness, we will be more at peace to receive whatever “punishment” our karma brings us. The thing about karma is, you don't have to believe in it for it to work on you. We can all deny that the sun does not rise from the east or the moon is not a satellite, but does our denial discredit or change the facts? "
Friday, August 20, 2010
Repair and Despair

Permission has been sought from my client to publish this case study.
A family portrait that hangs on the wall of the living room captured my attention when I first stepped into the house. It is a typical picture taken in the studio with the parents seated and the 3 siblings standing behind them – all smiling. My client, the only son of the family and one of his sisters specially donned their graduation gowns for the shooting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Article on The Finder.com.sg
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Out of Gua

What is the highest form of feng shui?
Most masters would consider Xuan Kong Da Gua (64 Heagrams) as the ultimate feng shui in the San Yuan system. This method of feng shui can create miracle sometime as fast as within 2 hours. It is a complete system coupled with its proprietary date selection system.
It is applicable to both yang and yin feng shui and basically very much revolved around the use of hexagrams to create results. However, to fully comprehend this powerful divine art, one needs to have a good command of the concept of yin and yang which is often sidelined by some practitioners. Once you understand the intricacies of how the individual hexagram line or yao (爻) changes and the hexagrams associate with one another, you have already grasped the essence of it.
In Xuan Kong Da Gua, we always focus on Kinship. It values the importance of family. It believes that things cannot be too effective if they are done by distant relatives. Once the feng shui formation is created based on the same family members, preferably between 2 heterosexual members, a pauper can become a prince overnight.
You can even determine the gender of the baby for a couple.
Anyway, in this posting, I am going to share a case or in fact a technique in this system on how to turn the feng shui around. Just to give you a flavor.
The main door of this house is facing a T-junction – a very well-known sha qi or killing force. Most practitioners will instantaneously tell you to move house otherwise the occupants inside will suffer mishaps in time to come.
This house sits on hexagram Tong Ren hexagram which is expressed as Qian over Li trigram. The Xuan Kong 5 Elements for this hexagram is 9 and the Xuan Kong Period number is 7. Please see picture. In terms of 24 mountains, it sits on Mao and faces You (坐卯向酉).
If you would have based your calculation on Da Gua, you can safely assure the occupants that nothing is wrong with this T-junction.
Why? The secret is in the hexagram that the house is sitting on. The sha qi (junction) is coming from Dui Trigram and in relation with the sitting hexagram, it is known as Out of Gua. This means that any other form of sha qi like pylon has no effect on this house as long as it comes from Dui (or Kun or Zhen).
How do we apply this to save people's life? For instance, if this house is sitting on another hexagram and the T-junction is now a real hazard, we can tilt the main door by a few degrees to change the hexagram of the house and make the sha qi "out of gua".
Word of caution: If you do not do it properly, you can accidentally void your prosperous energy that you have been receiving from a nearby water or mountain.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Too much Wealth drains the Health 财多身子弱

What happens when one's bazi is overwhelmed by wealth stars? Does he become super rich?
Not really. He can actually be quite poor.
In bazi classic, there is a famous mantra that says that "Too many wealth stars will make you weak." Do not take this literally. It does not refer to your physical health.
Wealth element in the study of bazi, or Chinese destiny calculation, is what the Day Master controls in accordance to the 5 Elements Theory.
If a guy has too many of such elements in his bazi, like in this case, he will find it very difficult to control and make good use of them. In real life situation, it means that this person is not prudent in managing his finances and likely to spend more than what he is capable of earning.
Does he have bad health? No. In fact, he has good physique and is a sporty person who has very good stamina. I hardly hear him complain of any sickness.
The issue with such wealth-abundant bazi is that the person likes to go for quick buck and takes short cut especially through betting. For men, it is interesting to know that they are hen-pecked too.
Does that mean that you will perpetually remain poor for the rest of your life? Well, it very much depends on whether you will go through a luck cycle that lends you the strength to harness all the wealth. The Yong Shen or useful star in his case will be Friend or Rob Wealth in the form of earth element. In Chinese we usually say "using friend stars to share the wealth" (用比劫来分财). Therefore, he should enter into a partnership if he ever decides to do business not just because he is "weak" but he needs another person to help him pause and think – something he is lacking.
Wealth star in bazi also represents girlfriend or wife. A common question that I get is that do many wealth stars imply many wives? While we cannot simply equate the number of wealth stars to the actual number of wives he will have, we can safely say that for such bazi, there will be more than one woman in his life. He will also go through one divorce due to a 3rd party's intervention – but from the wife's side and it was a secret love affair. How do I know? There are hidden combinations taking place between the spouse palace and its adjacent palaces. This is a very strong tell-tale sign. This client of mine later admitted it.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Feng Shui and Main Door

Sally (not her real name) is a housewife who is in her 40's. She is married and has 2 children who are in their teenage. Her husband runs a small IT business and works hard to provide for the family. They stay in a HDB flat which they have bought more than 15 years ago and live by everyday just like any other family.
Nobody would expect Sally has gone through so much in her life – especially after she has moved into this house on the 8th floor. Shouldn't 8 bring her good tidings and money luck since 8 sounded like "fa" which means prosper in Chinese? No, life has taken a toll on her. A series of event had happened not only on her but her loved ones. She told me she almost killed herself. I can never imagine she used to be a bubbly person when I met her.
She contacted me via email last month and wanted very much to meet up for a bazi consult. One week later, we met at a cafeteria to discuss about how to help her in this current luck cycle to achieve her goals. She does not have ambitious goals. A healthy family is what she would be grateful for.
During the 2-hour consultation, the topics revolved mainly around her husband. From her husband's bazi, I told her that he is very blessed to have a wife who is caring, supportive and will standby him till death do them apart. She smiled coyly. Yes, she stood by him during his most difficult moment when he was found to have colon cancer. 5 years ago, he actually had part of his colon and stomach removed. His condition is in remission now.
Her main worry is whether the problem will come back again as she knows very well that the husband is not able to suffer another blow again. She also shared with me that on the 3rd year after they moved into this house, her mother-in-law had removed her womb because of ovarian cancer. In the following year, she was implicated in a corruption case and was interrogated by the officers from the commercial affair department because of some wrongdoings by her ex-boss. This was revealed in her bazi because for that year her authority star was clashing with the output star that was in the annual luck pillar. There is a saying in the Chinese classic, "when output star encounters authority star, troubles and mishaps will manifest."
Although she did not end up in jail and was later found to be innocent, the ordeal that she had gone through was enough to destroy her life. Fortunately, she is a strong lady. You can tell from her bazi that she is resilient because her Yong Shen (useful star) is borne in season. This means that she has that vitality to overcome all odds and never succumb herself to dark forces. If she does not have that fighting spirit, she would not have recovered from a stroke during her confinement period after she delivered her second child.
After hearing so much from her, I was very curious to investigate on her house feng shui. It definitely has a big role in it based on what I gather. Sally was also very happy to know that I am willing to make a trip to her place as she is desperate to find out what is so wrong in her home.
To know if a house has good fengshui, I usually focus on 3 things, namely, the main door, the bedroom and the stove. If the qi or energy present at these 3 areas is good, the house fengshui is good. The main door ranks first in terms of importance and I would liken it to our mouth. If the energy that flows in through the door is good, you will have a healthy and wealthy home. However, if the main door draws in harmful qi, it is akin to eating the wrong stuff and either you keep having food poisoning or toxics will build up until it explodes when there is a trigger. In this context, the trigger here is the arrival of a specific body of qi on a specific year. As an astrologer, we call it the star.
When I took out my luo pan to measure the direction of the main door and calculate the entire energy distribution of the house, I immediately told Sally that the occupants in the house will also likely to suffer from respiratory problem, apart from colon. She was surprised that feng shui can pinpoint the type of illnesses that the people staying inside are susceptible to. Indeed her daughter is having sinusitis since small.
The main door and the fengshui structure of the house expose Sally and her family to malevolent energy permanently. The problem will be exacerbated when certain stars arrive at their main door on certain years. Unless they are able to relocate or tilt the main door position, it is unlikely they can completely turn the situation around. Fine-tuning of internal energy flow by re-positioning of beds and stove can mitigate the severity of the issue but it can never eradicate the root cause. I told her I will implement some solutions to basically enhance her husband's business and the studies of her children after I calculate a good timing that connects with the house energy and the occupants. Meanwhile, I urge her to quickly look for a new house with positive fengshui structure with my help. With a main door that takes in good qi, even when the most fearful 5 Yellow star clashes into it, you will still find yourself enjoying good fortune for that year.
Sally told me she finally sees light at the end of the tunnel. I start to see her going back to her bubbly nature again.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Decoding the Secret of Xie Zi Fa

In English, it says, "When Xie Zi changes, Yin is not Yin, Yang is not Yang; Yin can be regarded as Yang, Yang can be regarded as Yin. Mountain is not mountain, water is not water. Mountain can be regarded as water and water can be regarded as mountain. Xie Zi is formless and yet it does take certain form and vice versa."
The secret of Xie Zi Fa is encrypted in this few sentences. My own interpretation is that, if you relate it to the transformation of Hexagrams, it kinda make sense. Gua can be represented by a myriad of things on earth. You can feel and touch those things represented by the gua and yet gua is very abstract and elusive because it is like trying to catch hold of time. You can never grab it and yet its presence does have an impact on you.
For the last part which talks about mountain can be water and vice versa, I believe this is the formula mentioned in Tian Yu Jing or Heaven Jade Classic. If what I think is indeed true, I would consider myself very blessed to have learned some of the concepts from my teacher because late GM Zeng and his descendants used this as part of their Xie Zi Fa's implementation.
This formula says that "Qian Mountain, Qian Facing, Water flows Qian. Qian Peak gives birth to Scholars." This is only one of the sittings. There are also Kun Mountain, Kun Facing, Wu Mountain Wu Facing, just to name a few.
Think about it, how can you have a house or burial site sitting Qian (north west), facing Qian with water flowing Qian?
Anyway, I welcome your comments and sharing. We are all learning.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Feng Shui & Astrology Talk - Reviews from Participants
Andrea Salazar, Account Supervisor
2. The seminar clarifies what Feng Shui really is and it is good to know what is going to happen so that I can take some actions.
Miriam V. Urquiaga, Organisational Development Business Partner
3. Thank you for your sharing. I really appreciate your competency.
Daniela, Feng Shui Consultant
4. I like about the interpretations on the stars and face reading. The talk helps me understand the concepts better.
Claudia Evan, Realtor
5. The talk is interesting, practical and gives us something to take away and use it.
Mauricio Acevedo, CEO
6. Friendly, informal and open to answer all questions. I learn about Feng Shui and how the external forms can impact your destiny.
Monica Albornoz, Marketing Manager
7. Interactions with audience, explain the topics in simple language. The talk helps me to be aware, take actions to change some things. Very interesting, come back again. Please keep in touch, nice to meet you!
Angela Dacosta, Organisational Trainer
Saturday, June 26, 2010
10-God in Flying Stars

Saturday, June 12, 2010
What keeps me so interested in bazi is not just entirely on the predicting part but it is about learning some of the nuances.
Personality analysis based on bazi (not DISC or MBTI) is one of my favourite subjects. But you need to really have an intimate knowledge of the 10 Gods followed by frequent corroboration between the bazi and the person to know some of the subtle differences among the stars – particularly the behavioral part.
If your boss is born with a negative output structure, and you did not meet her expectation, she will blatantly tell you into your face "Did you not use your brain?"
However, if hers is a positive structure, then she will tactfully tell you "I think you could have done better if you have factored in this or that. Kindly review your work and see me again tomorrow. Thanks."
Say you make a grave mistake and your boss decided to fire you. If he is a 7 Killing structure, you will hear him yelling at you "You have made a very big mistake and I need you to get lost within 24 hours."
If he is a direct officer structure, he will say "Under section 2 paragraph 1 of the employment agreement, we would need to terminate your service with us as you have caused the company to suffer losses as a result of negligence which is defined as ….."
Next, do you want to learn from a teacher who is using hurting officer or direct input? Frankly, it depends on your personal preference.
H.O. teacher will tell you "I will teach you how to fish and not fish for you. Now, buy my book on how to fish."
D.I. teacher will elaborate on the various methods to fish, the benefits and go the extra mile to cook the fish for you."
Imagine you plan to go to a posh restaurant with someone you are dating. Would you choose to go with a guy with positive wealth star or negative one?
The former will happily foot the bill and tell you dinner is on him while the latter will tell you this time round is on him FIRST!
For the same scenario but at a buffet, a positive friend star guy will be happy if his partner had enough for her dinner while a negative friend star guy will be happy if his partner can also help him hide some food in her handbag for supper later.
No offence guys. Just for laugh.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Just for Laugh
Friday, June 4, 2010
DIY Wedding Date Selection
Dear all,
I intend to conduct a 1-day workshop to teach ethusiasts like yourself and even people with not much knowledge of chinese astrology on how to pick an auspicious date for wedding. It is a life skill and you can help your friends to do it next time. The workshop will introduce you to basics of chinese bazi, chinese calendrical and date selection systems. I will then teach you a simple step-by-step wedding date calculation sytem adopted from the famous classic known as Jia Qu Sui Jing Fu 嫁娶碎金赋.
The workshop will be held in Singapore (likely after World Cup because I am going to lose sleep over that too :) ) and it is probably the first-of-its-kind program to be lanched here.
Do email me at destinyasia@hotmail.com to indicate your interest. For those that email me before 30 June 2010, the fee is only $98 per pax instead of $128. For those that bring a friend, it will be $88 per pax.
I hope I can have the chance to meet up with some of you. Cheers!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Officer or Ghost? 官鬼?
In bazi, the Direct Officer or Indirect Officer (7 Killing) is a double-headed snake.
When it is positive, it is known as Guan (government official) but when it turns bad, it is known as Gui (Ghost). The Ghost does not mean spirit but it implies petty people who have agenda or people who are plotting against you.
It is not true that when you are a strong Daymaster, the positive stars are naturally Wealth, Officer and Output. This is over simplistic.
On the flip side, when you are a weak Daymaster, it does not mean you cannot use Officer star or such star is definitely negative.
Officer star is the only star among the 10 Gods that has this dual characteristic that can alternate and portray good and bad attributes at different points in time or luck cycle. That is the reason why some wholesome public figures made some silly mistakes and have to end up in jail for misappropriating company's fund. Or some highly respected politicians got into trouble because of molestation.
As a bazi consultant, you need to know when the Direct Officer or 7 Killing star will turn good when it is originally bad in the natal chart and when it will turn bad when it is originally good in the bazi. By knowing just this, you will be able to help your client to predict and avoid major issues and advise him on the best timing to ride on the wave of success.
So, what actually determines when the Officer will become Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? The crux and the "million-dollar" secret formula is in the position of the "child star of the Officer star".
You know what I mean ya.
Email me at destinyasia@hotmail.com if you really cannot decipher the encrypted message :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Art of Extrapolation 移宫换星秘法

Alot more questions can be asked but you got to be specific in your questions.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Feng Shui and Bazi can be Independent
Monday, May 3, 2010
Achieving Predictability in Time of Uncertainties
Sunday, April 25, 2010
From the Grapevine....About San Yuan Qi Men Dun Jia
Monday, April 19, 2010
Ladies, better to marry someone who is not RICH

I was listening to Class 95 radio station and the DJ was mentioning that a recent research has reported that it is better for ladies to go out with guys who are poorer because those who are richer always have issues with loyalty or fidelity.
From bazi point of view I do agree in a way.
When it comes to the bazi for man, wealth element represents his wife, girlfriend, father and literally his wealth.
Logically speaking from the mathematics of bazi, when his wealth increases, his number of woman will also increase. In ancient time, having a few wives was the social norm. In fact, it was a status thing. Only those wealthy ones can afford being polygamous. Hence, this was part of the thinking then behind the development of bazi. And I do, up to some extent, agree with the statement "All men are polygamous by nature." But, because of the law and societal pressure, we 'mankind' then become less adventurous. Nevertheless, sad to say, this does not prevent men to continue to stray.
It is very common to hear people saying once man has money, he will start to fling. If you know bazi, you probably cannot blame him too much. This is the DNA made-up of man - unless your man is able to "control the presence of strong wealth" from the bazi perspective per se.
I am not saying all men have money will fling. But there is a tendency. Whether he will act depends on his moral values and self discipline. You got to check his Resource and Officer star and perhaps the presence of other stars in his bazi. If you are into Shen Sha, then see if he has external Peach Blossom or Salt Pool. Most of the time, the person has relatively strong Indirect Wealth.
Sometimes, it could be just a passing stage when he goes through the wealth luck period. That is when that Mr Nice Guy husband of yours who has been so loyal to you and children for the past 10 years suddenly get caught holding hands with his young and demure secretary.
Anyway, unless you know how to read your boy friend's bazi, you just got to take the risk.....
When it comes, it comes..... it does not matter how sexy and good looking you are..... agree?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Reviews from Customers - Thank you.
Actual words from customers...
Feng Shui for Sales
"I do not believe in Fengshui in the past but was highly recommended by my relatives to know Master Jo. There are significant different after Jo has helped to arrange the sitting position in my office. My sales revenue has increased tremendously and highly appreciated by my bosses."
Jackson Tan, Business Development Manager (jacksontan22@gmail.com)
Feng Shui for Home Selection
Feedback on your services:
1) patience:
a) talked for more than 2 hours just about my bazi on our first meeting.
b)I have been asking same question a few times or asking silly question yet still have patience to answer
2) readily and really listen to my questions
3) serious attitude. No 'play play'.
4) practical suggestions which sound logical and not superstitious
5) never prompt me to buy accessories-ji xiang wu
6) straight forward
Tangible benefits
a) Chances to get ONE condo unit out of 556 units is impossible but after you advised me to activate the water purifier, I got the unit on the next day!
b) Child's health: my daughter's health has improved
c) All friends and relatives like my new home. They feel very comfortable.
d) My contractor noticed that our 'qi se' look better after moved in.
Dionne Tan, Consultant, staying in Casa Merah condominium
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Interlace

Source : http://architecturelab.net/2009/09/05/the-interlace-residential-complex-in-singapore-by-oma/
Do you think flying stars can do a good job? So you tell me where is the facing? Do you take different facing for individual block? How about using San He system? Or Xuan Kong Da Gua?
The development has yet to be built. So, how would you select a unit for your client when you only have artist impression, site plan and floor plan?
This is indeed a very exciting and intriguing topic to discuss.