You have heard cases that some guys immediately become better in their career and wealth luck after they got married. You also heard gossips that some guys become rich only because of their wife.
In chinese, the term is 夫凭妻贵. This means that the men becomes more affluent or gain nobility after they marry. Most of the time, they marry a wife that comes from a wealthy family background or the wife is a successful business woman.
So, what does it say in their bazi? It is about the quality of their wealth star. There are 2 layers of analysis to look at :
1. the star residing in the spouse palace
2. the wealth (spouse) star
A few possible scenarios:
i. You can marry a rich wife (good quality wealth star) but it does not guarantee blissfulness in marriage (negative star in spouse palace).
ii. You can marry a very caring and supportive wife (good star in spouse palace) that can take care of the household and render you with emotional support although she may not be financially independent.
iii. Having a successful wife who is also a friend in need to share your woes and sorrows. She is also a loving mother to the kids. This is the ideal case when you have positive wealth star sitting in spouse palace. In ancient chinese society, I believe all mother-in-laws would want their son to marry someone like this who is 旺夫益子 (prosper the husband and benefit the children).
Take a look at Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau's bazi who is a Gui-Hai Daymaster. Many would say that Robwealth star is the worst star to be inside one's spouse palace because as the name suggests, someone will rob your wealth (wife) away one day. True only if your bazi belongs to strong chart. For his case, his wife's family belongs to one of the richest families in Malaysia. She has also always been the behind-the-scene woman, quietly supporting Andy Lau for 20 over years and yet never mind that she is not recognised publicly as the wife of the superstar.
For those of you who are blessed to have such a good wife from a bazi perspective, please continue to treasure her, love her and do not take her for granted. I heard of real life stories that there were successful businessmen who experienced a plunge in career when they become unfaithful and later on divorced by their wife. One of them becomes taxi driver as a matter of fact.
PS: I am not implying that we do not then love our wife who are less than ideal - again in bazi sense. Don't get me wrong.
Hi Master Jo,
I quote from your paragraph
"Take a look at Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau's bazi who is a Gui-Hai Daymaster. Many would say that Robwealth star is the worst star to be inside one's spouse palace because as the name suggests, someone will rob your wealth (wife) away one day. True only if your bazi belongs to strong chart. For his case, his wife's family belongs to one of the richest families in Malaysia. She has also always been the behind-the-scene woman, quietly supporting Andy Lau for 20 over years and yet never mind that she is not recognised publicly as the wife of the superstar."
But Andy Lau's chart is a strong chart. So that means is not good for him or good for him?
He's born in a resource month, sitting on self as well etc...shouldn't this be strong chart?
hi Stephanie
Good question.
I do not have his hour pillar but based on my analysis on his life journey, I would say he is weak water.
If he is strong chart, it is less likely he can achieve today's result.
I am going to conduct an exclusive class on bazi for my blog readers soon. Let me have your email. I will
email u. During the class I will touch on strength of DM. Born in season can still be weak.
Master Jo,
I think andy lau's a strong yin water ox. I did my analysis and included every hour in a 24 hour cycle...he is still considered a Strong Yin Water Ox.
Robwealth does not necessarily lead to stolen spouse etc. It could me whether you like it or not...you share something of yourself.
In his case...its his time to the fans, publicity , marketing of himself etc.
If robwealth is an issue regarding spouse...the best way is just keep your spouse away from unscrupulous friends etc. That sometimes is hard, but if you know ur chart, you take precautions i guess.
Robwealth is also related to Fame/celebrities etc
And I was born in the supporting season yet I am a weak DM....lol. Looking forward for your classes for blog readers, master Jo. ^^
By the way, what do you mean by good quality spouse star? Good as in rooted?
hi Kenneth
You must be an ardent fan of Andy right? :)
Yes, he is a strong DM because his DM is born in season. But in my opinion, his bazi is weak. You get my point? 2 things here: DM strong but bazi weak.
Therefore, when metal and water come, he did well. I followed his music career since the 1990s. His breakthrough came in 1990. 1991 to 1993 was the peak for him - sweeping awards in Jade Solid Gold. It was in the onset of 1990 he was also named as one of the 4 Heavenly Kings.
IMHO, if he is indeed strong, then he may not be as hardworking as he is deemed. Useful god will also be weak. I believe for someone that can have such excellent career which brings him great wealth, the useful god (either fire or wood) should not be so weak.
Do you know if his father is rich? From the bazi I can say the father is able to provide for the family and is in good relationship with him. But I do not think father is well off. If he is strong and fire being the positive star at father palace, then it is possible.
Anyway,robwealth star as I have said is good for him. You and me have differing views but it is ok. That helps in our learning. Thanks for your comments and I hope to meet you one day for more exchanges.
Good work ...
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