I am not sure after I write this, I will be assassinated by some Feng Shui masters and Feng Shui Salesmen.
But if I do not bring this up, then I feel I have let myself down.
Anyway, I do not care since I have the backing of some big guys known as classical feng shui who has been around since more than 2000 years ago.
I just want to air my views. Will I be sued for defamation? Hey, we got freedom of speech ok.
I don't think the Pixiu or Dragon Tortoise that are mass produced in China factories will gang up against me right? Maybe they do possess some mighty power that will cripple my ability to type. I am not sure because so many people seem to be buying them for protection, avoid misfortune, get quick bucks and even up their IQ.
If so many people are doing it, then there must be some truth right? Or is it the Placebo Effect? Or is it just blind faith?
Legally, omission of fact is a misrepresentation. I might be sued by my readers for not sharing this piece of info and end up, they incur expenses, do not receive their desired results and thus, suffer emotionally, physically and financially.
So, what is the thing that I am driving at?
You see, feng shui or astrology study is associated with the constellations in the universe, the solar system, the movement of planets, the cosmic energy, the energy from our surrounding, the qi emit from mountain ranges, the natural forces and etc.
For example, annual afflictions like the Tai Sui (Grand Duke), San Sha, 5 Yellow and Sui Po are energies derived from planetary movement. You think by putting a plastic or copper item that is of the size of a palm can easily dissolve the negative energy? One must be kidding.
And you think by putting a money sucking static plastic ornament that stands on 3 legs can really create wealth over a few weeks time? If you really wish to activate the wealth energy in a particular sector, you need something that creates movement to stimulate the qi. So, just move your fan to that corner. Totally FOC and result is fast. Alternatively, put a little fish tank with some cheap guppies and that will do the job. How much? Less than $10.
I sympathise people who spend $1,000 on feng shui service for their HDB flat or apartment and then another $3,000 on ornaments. Hey, your common sense will tell you the amount of money incur is not apportioned justifiably. But as a layman, you have to listen to your master because he or she has already successfully capitalise on your fear factor.
I am sure below sentences sound familiar to you:
"...buy this dragon, so that you can strike lottery..."
"....put this Pagoda here, so that your son can excel in PSLE...."
I do not blame them because some of them spend alot on advertisement on the media, their overheads and staff cost. If they do not sell such items on top of their services, they will find it hard to breakeven every month.
But I just feel that this is not orthodox. They are giving feng shui a bad name by doing this.
Real feng shui talks about using qi to heal qi. It is subtle. It does not require you to renovate your house into a chinese temple.
So, when my friend happily told me that her whole family bought a few Pixius at $100 each in Taiwan and asked for my opinion, I could only smile.
Like to share some anecdote my teacher told me.
His client bought a pair of very fierce looking Pi Xiu for 4K SGD or USD, I can't really remember, but anyway it was expensive.
So the client called my teacher up and asked him to go to his office to find the best placement for the Pi Xiu. Over the phone, my teacher told him the best placement is in the storeroom rather than placing them outside the front door and scare people. :)
BTW, your blog's informative. Very interesting for newbies like me. :)
hi HC
thanks alot for your comments. It really makes me laugh...your teacher is very humourous :)
I pity the client. $4k? I think the cost price is the most $40.
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