1 April 2003.
I was watching the TV after a gym workout. Then suddenly came the news that Leslie, my favourite Cantonese Pop idol, jumped from a hotel at 24 storey.
My heart plummeted to the ground. I was not sure if I was supposed to cry at that point in time; I was speechless and my mind went blank.
I grew up listening to his songs; they have given me so much fond memories and so much solace...
Listening to 梦里蓝天 recently on the radio reminds me of this Superstar.
The reason for his suicide is still unknown until today although there were many versions of rumours. Some masters claimed that his thinking was contaminated, he was psychologically ill and very depressed. Some said that he had HIV and some said that he was possessed after acting in his last movie.
I decide to share a bit of my analysis. The source of his bazi that I have here is said to be from a Feng Shui Master in HK whom Leslie had consulted before his death. I am not trying to do a reverse engineering job here because I do not want to bore you. So many people have done that giving rise to so many scenarios.

I will just go straight to the point on what I think are the causes for his suicidal act. I may not be 100% correct but I just want to discuss it on an academic basis. I really welcome your views, if any.
He is a weak water person and hence resource star, metal element, is his useful god. If not, he would not have had a meteoric rise in his singing career when he entered Geng-zi luck pillar. I can recall that that was the year, 1984, when "Monica" became one of the most popular songs in HK radio stations.
Fast forward to 2002, Ren-wu year.
The annual pillar has a fu yin with his bazi day pillar. As mentioned in my previous post, a fu yin usually indicates a sad event. Lets look at what stars and palace are affected in the fu yin.
I will analyse in parts first.
- friend or self star is affected
- wealth star is affected
- spouse palace is affected (everyone knows he has a long-time boyfriend
- Wu fire to Ren is "Extinct" in terms of 12 Growth phases. This is a star of despair, no-cure, separation, merciless and ending.
If I piece them up, my version of story for his suicide will be:
He was emotionally affected in 2002 because of a serious relationship issue with his boyfriend. I see that his jealousy and possessiveness have led to this. Because wu fire sees wu fire is a self punishment, Leslie also did something to himself that he knew it was silly to do but yet did it due to a lack in self-control and out of spite.
There was a 3rd party, in fact, I think there were 4 parties - quite messy. Ren and Ren forms a pair and Wu-Wu is also a pair. The more obvious one to the public is Leslie's as Ren reveals on top.
Was there still love between Leslie and boyfriend afterall? Yes, there was since Ren has a natural combo with Wu fire - heaven combines with earth.
Was the dispute over money too since wealth elements are involved? Isn't this obvious? Maybe not to public because the wealth elements are in the branches.
Was his jump the hotel an accident or a conspiracy? I will not eliminate this because the Chou earth in annual pillar harms Wu fire in luck pillar.
Personally, I think he should not have died. By nature, he is not a pessimistic person. He should have walked out the depression which is only temporarily. Once he passed the year, he will get well and continue with his prospering career. This will last him till old age looking at the Luck Pillars.
Committing suicide is an easy option. But did he choose that? Or someone chooses it for him?
Note: He died in 2003 but I was using 2002 annual pillar to analyse. Isn't it inaccurate? Not really because that was the trigger and effectively Leslie's death was still under the influence of Ren Wu pillar. The qi of Gui Wei annual pillar was only activated towards end of 2003.
So how is his boyfriend doing now? Can we tell from Leslie's chart? I will do that in my next posting.
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