I have mentioned before that flying stars can be read like bazi. Let me show you how to do it.
This is a real life case. The owner is Gua 7 staying in a high rise apartment sitting south and facing north. The flying stars chart is as shown above.
As he is a Gua 7, we zoom into Dui Palace to look at his "bazi".
Inside this palace, the sitting star 4 (reference point) represents him. He is a weak "DM" because he is not born in season as Dui is autumn. So, it will be good if stars like 1,3 and 4 were to fly into this palace as that will strengthen him.
Among these 3 stars which star do you think is the "useful god"? That will be star 1 (water) because it arbitrates between the metal palace and star 4. Whenever he sees his useful god, he will get rich.
So, this year, star 1 flies to Dui Palace which resulted the Gua 7 to experience an increase in his income of about at least 2-fold.
But does that mean he will always have to wait for every 9 years to get rich? No, the technique here is to locate him in a room with a door that he can use to tap into star 1 everyday.
The only thing he has to be careful is when earth stars especially star 5 or 2 arrives at this palace because that will attack his useful god and he will lose alot of money especially on health. That had already happened. In terms of bazi interpretation, because the sitting wood star is weak, it cannot control the wealth. All the earth stars are wealth star to him whereas star 1 is his resource star where he will meet alot of Noble and Helpful people.
True indeed, he actually met alot of helpful people this year that bring him alot of business opportunities.
The amazing thing is that, when you corroborate this flying stars method of reading with his actual bazi reading, the events match.
So, do you still need to diagnose the bazi first before you do fengshui?
Hi Master jo?
'Mind enlightening me a bit?
How bout if there are 2 different person with same dui gua in th house? They will experience the same?
BTW, in Ba Zi we have Ren Yang water and gui yin water, in Fei Xing we only have star 1 which is seems to be a yang star? How we get the gui yin water in Fei Xing?
hi Robert very valid questions.
A bit difficult for me to explain here in blog post because I need to cover somemore concepts before this. This belongs to a divinative technique.
Say if you have twin, although their bazi is the same, in real life, they can have different experiences. There are ways to read it. And let me just share with you since you ask. In bazi, I would add another pillar to read the twin based on earlier and later hour pillar respectively for the elder one and younger one.
On your second question, you have gone into details by associating each star to a heavenly stem. Need to know what is the objective of doing this. So when is star 9 Bing and when is it Ding? It depends on which palace is star 9 in. Ok I cannot talk too much about this here.
I just want to say my method is simpler and not so mind boggling because I prefer less complicated and faster way that will still give me good prediction. :)
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