The verse is extracted from late GM Zeng Zi Nan's book. It was first mentioned by GM Yang Yun Song.
In English, it says, "When Xie Zi changes, Yin is not Yin, Yang is not Yang; Yin can be regarded as Yang, Yang can be regarded as Yin. Mountain is not mountain, water is not water. Mountain can be regarded as water and water can be regarded as mountain. Xie Zi is formless and yet it does take certain form and vice versa."
The secret of Xie Zi Fa is encrypted in this few sentences. My own interpretation is that, if you relate it to the transformation of Hexagrams, it kinda make sense. Gua can be represented by a myriad of things on earth. You can feel and touch those things represented by the gua and yet gua is very abstract and elusive because it is like trying to catch hold of time. You can never grab it and yet its presence does have an impact on you.
For the last part which talks about mountain can be water and vice versa, I believe this is the formula mentioned in Tian Yu Jing or Heaven Jade Classic. If what I think is indeed true, I would consider myself very blessed to have learned some of the concepts from my teacher because late GM Zeng and his descendants used this as part of their Xie Zi Fa's implementation.
This formula says that "Qian Mountain, Qian Facing, Water flows Qian. Qian Peak gives birth to Scholars." This is only one of the sittings. There are also Kun Mountain, Kun Facing, Wu Mountain Wu Facing, just to name a few.
Think about it, how can you have a house or burial site sitting Qian (north west), facing Qian with water flowing Qian?
Anyway, I welcome your comments and sharing. We are all learning.
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