People ask me why I like to reveal "secrets" which some people pay thousands of dollars to get. Why am I making it so readily available? I think it could be in my bazi. If I or my counterparts do not share, then I think the knowledge of feng shui and bazi may just die in our generation. And I am talking about authentic stuff that my masters have generously shared with his students. Well, I could have kept all these secrets and make alot of money for myself (which I must admit I do wish to have a better quality of life for my family) but sometimes, money-making is not everything. I think each of us has a purpose in life. I have my mission (使命) too.
During a recent advance bazi sharing session for practitioners in USA, I did not manage to go through this case due to a little poor planning from me - I covered too many advance topics and ended up there was not enough time to go through this special technique. Ya, I guess I was too excited in trying to download as many things as possible to the particpants. Bad habit.
I coined the term as Bazi Extrapolation. Simply put, for instance, you are able to read your mother-in-law's bazi from your own. Sometimes, you can read your neighbour's bazi from yours too (within 1 minute). You probably already know this technique through the 10-God application. There are a few ways to do it and I will just briefly touch on a couple of the techniques that I frequently use.
The chart belongs to a male that has a mistress. The question asked is "Is the mistress pretty?"
There are 2 Yi woods up there. You take 2nd Yi wood as the mistress. She is sitting on peach blossom star. So, we deduce that the mistress is pretty.

The next question asked is "Do you think the son is influenced by the father and he might also have more than one wife?"
The DM is now "moved" to Month Stem. Yi Wood is the father. The focal point of whole bazi changes. The father is a weak DM born in dragon year. Peach blossom star is at hour branch. We call this PB outside the wall. Very appealing to opposite sex. There are also 2 direct wealth stars at the branches. Based on this, we can infer that he has more than one woman.
When will the father be rich? It is when his son (original chart) goes through water and wood luck pillars.
Alot more questions can be asked but you got to be specific in your questions.
Hi Jo,
Cheers to your willingness to reveal the "trade secret" of your vocation. :).
I am actually curious, other than say, as males if our wealth/spouse star sitting on the peach blossom that denotes the attractiveness of our spouse, what is other way to determine the pretty spouse?
Let's say, using the bazi Extrapolation of yours, if the spouse star sits on Rob Wealth however, having rooted hurting officer which is "Yi Wood", does it mean the spouse is pretty? I am asking this, since hurting officer of yi wood is pretty as it is flowers.
Around the Block,
Hi Master Jo,
cheers for your eagerness to share the trade secrets. :)
I am actually curious that other than the method of indicating the spouse is pretty when the spouse star that sits on the peach blossom earthly branch, what is other methods?
for example, what if...by utilizing your Bazi Extrapolation technique and one's spouse star is ren water and its Hurting officer is deeply rooted penetrating to the heaven which in this case is yi wood, does it mean the spouse is pretty? I am saying this as yi wood is a "flower" and being the hurting officer of the Ren Water, it means the expression of the beauty, right? Note, this is from using one's bazi and using the spouse star as DM.
Your biggest fan,
hi Yuuki
Good to hear from you.
Based on my experience, PB is one accurate way. Another one is based on 12 Growth Phases' Mu Yu star.
On your ren water example, you are not wrong to say that but be a bit careful since this method is divinative by nature.
Where are you based?
Hi Jo,
I am currently based in indonesia and I agree hands down that Singaporean Hainanese Chicken Rice still rule the world...lol.
I agree with the Mu yu (Bath) part as from my self study, it has always been represented as beauty and attractiveness.
Speaking of having a peach blossom at hour branch, when one's bazi chart has a peach blossom star at hour branch but at the Sickness life stages, does it also mean that the owner of that BAzi chart also exudes the "X Factor" and Sex Appeal?
It seems like your posts are mostly about romance/sex, beauty, and women which happen to be my most favourite subjects too. :D lol.
P.S. thanks for your confirmation concerning my Ren Water Example, Although It is ironic that you see it as Divination method when The hwole Bazi, Chinese Metaphysics are also labeled as "Divination" Method....lol. It is great to know our potentials, this I agree wholeheartedly.
hi yuuki
on your question about PB at sickness life stages, you may want to share more on your research experience :)
It is merely coincidental that my topic revolves romance and ladies although i must say it is quite interesting to talk about them... :)
I termed it as divinative (versus technical reading of bazi) by nature because of imagery involved. It is like a split second intuition based on what comes to you. In Hong Kong they call it Chu Ji 触机.
I thought if you are from Singapore then it will be nice to catch up with enthusiasts like you. Cheers.
Hi Jo,
Will definitely catch up with you when I go to Singapore and I may be going there very soon for checking out Marina Bay Sands Hotel entertainment...:)
About my question on the Peach Blossom at Sickness stage, I can't share any more experience other than my own as I have Peach Blossom at hour branch in sickness stage and yes...I have been called, a "Man whore", "Womanizer", etc.
However, I asked due to my curiosity if that Peach Blossom indeed is congruent with my character and my sex appeal. As I am aware I am in that extreme narcissistic personality.
From your more extensive experience, what do you think?
The "Divination nature" that you mentioned however I thought derived from your technical point of view as "Extrapolation" and other Masters called it, "Shifting Palace"...But I do agree about the Imagery visualization imagery is involved.
P.S. I actually put my own bazi chart as certain image that is so interesting and hillarious....;)
P.S.S. Ladies and Romance are incredible.......My life's works. :)
So, you got all the ladies luck which many guys will envy u ya?
Hmm, u remind me of Mr Stark of Iron Man which I just saw. :) Or are u Mr Tiger Wood? Just kidding.
Hey hope u make good use of your "talents"....cheers!
Dear Jo Ching,
What luck pillar does this person need to go through before the father becomes rich, say if the person is Extremely strong Fire?
is it Metal, water or earth luck pillars?
To anonymous
Please identify yourself before I reply.
If it is possible, also put up the bazi for more effective discussion.
Hi Jo,
Esther here (the anonymous), just curious to know
say if the chart is
Gui Bing Wu Wu
Si Wu Wu Wu
What luck pillars will be good for him n father (for wealth)?
hi esther
strong day master. So Metal represents wealth. Going through solid metal pillar is definitely good. If not, those pillar where you have earth produces metal is also very good due to smooth flow of qi.
For father, go for water.
Hi Jo,
Base on Esther's question,
isn't it that when the son goes through Metal or Earth or water (since water periods cools down the chart), the father becomes rich?
You mention for the father is water period? I am confused.
"When will the father be rich? It is when his son (original chart) goes through water and wood luck pillars".
hi jonathan
on esther's chart that she put up, father palace is represented by Wu earth. This is a strong Wu earth. Water is the wealth element.
Hence, my answer. Ok I know why u confused this with the chart posted by me. Thats because mine is a weak chart and the reading is entirely different.
This is quite an advance bazi method. I think I have skipped certain explanations about determining the strength of the DM once the palace is shifted.
Anyway, thanks for asking.
Hi Jo,
What if using the father's chart...how can you tell when the son will be rich
say the father's chart is a weak chart?
hi kok gee
look at the child palace of the father's bazi to do the reading.
Check if the star there is weak or srong. If eg it is a wood star and it is strong, then when father goes through earth luck, the son will become rich.
Uncle Jo-Ching
Which is the child palace are you referring to?
is it the Hour Stem or the Hour Branch?
mathew how old are u?
child palace can be stem and branch.
depend on which child u talking.
Uncle Jo Ching
I am 18 years old. if the Hour stem represent which child?
Hour Branch represent which child?
But for this purpose to estimate if child will be rich is using which child palace ?
Hi Master Jo Ching,
From your article of extrapolation,
The father (in child's chart) is Wood.
But that does not mean that the father day master (in the father's own chart) is wood right? he could be any other DM right?
Hi Mathew
Uncle makes me sound very old although i am really much older than u.
YOu can take stem as 1st kid and branch as 2nd.
But what if you got 5 kids? This I reserve for my class. Thanks.
hi chloe
yes u are right. :)
I think i know the answer to your question if there's more than 2 kids.
1st Child is Stem, 2nd Child is Branch, 3rd Child is stem (cycle back), 4th Child is Branch, and so on.
Daphne Phua
hi daphne
this is one way ... i think u guys are good !
Hi Master Jo,
Esther here.
How do we deduce the strength of the child (from the father's Chart)?
is by using the child palace (in the father's chart), and seeing the day branch of the father's chart? or we still see the month branch see if its in season from the dad's chart?
Say if he/she was born not in season, but the surrounding other branches are supporting ( 5 out 8 supporting the child palace stem) will it be considered strong then?
hi esther
on your questions on how to determine strength of child in father's bazi, month branch is one of the key criteria.
Counting the number of supporting elements may not be necessary correct.
What if everything goes against the child palace? Eg countering and weakening? Is it a weak DM for the child? It can be a follower chart reading....a bit complicated to talk more...next time got chance i will organise a sharing session for you guys either in Malaysia or Singapore... I hope that day can come :)
Hi Master Jo,
Thank you for your clarification.
Would love to have you to conduct sessions for us when you have the time.
Honestly, i think you are a very genuine and capable bazi and fengshui master.
Many thanks for your generosity and ongoing blog discussions. Thank you and god bless!
hi Esther
thanks for your participation and compliments. I am happy to know that you find the info useful.
As long as I have the crowd, maybe 8 to 10 enthusiasts in a class, i will be very excited to share my experience. :)
if xin Metal DM born in Wei Month (Yin Earth), is it strong?
consider we don't take other pillars, but just the month.
hi samuel
yes and no.
in my opinion,if ding fire reveals, then high chance weak.
but i must qualify thats not the way i do it.
Thank you for your answer Master Jo
But if like some of the people who said if the other pillars are supporting it, like for xin metal there are many earth elements around it, and the earth element is strongly rooted in the year branch n stem, with a month branch (wei goat), will we consider this xin metal strong then?
samuel suggest u post up the chart for me to better visualise ya... thanks.
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