Monday, December 26, 2011
Looking back 2011
This is one of the pictures taken during a talk to 100 over business owners in February 2011. The event was known as BNI Big Breakfast at YMCA auditorium.
Besides the pointers reflected on the powerpoint slides, I also mentioned that gold price will soar and property market will perform very well in 2011.
All these have unfolded. And my analysis was based on the Li Chun Bazi of the year.
Euro debt crisis is not unpredictable but it has surfaced this year and not next year. Why? Where in the 2011-bazi is the trigger? And why did we only see it coming in 2nd half of 2011?
Tsunamis, earthquake and floods happen almost everywhere and every now and then. But why 2011 is exceptionally intense? Can we also attribute this to the Gua image of wind over water?
Now, how do we relate trust issues to global arena and right to our own society? The lack of trust is the underlying reason for the aggravation of the euro crisis said some reports. The ineffiency of the management of government linked companies have undermined their role as a responsible corporate citizen. How now to regain the trust of the public?
At a family level, we see a rising trend of cheating spouses with more wives cheating on their husband according to a report by Straits Time.
What has the world become? Is 2012 going to be worse? Is the dragon going to rise from the sea of turbulence or drown by it?
I will talk about it soon.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Story on Date Selection
Came across this anecdote from a Chinese book on date selection and thought it would be interesting to share it.
During the Qing dynasty, Emperor Qian Long decided to impersonate as a commoner to visit one of the provinces so that he could understand his people better.
He arrived at this village one day and saw that a wedding ceremony was taking place. Being a date selection expert himself, Emperor Qian Long did a quick calculation and discovered that today was an inauspicious date especially for wedding event. So, he stopped one of the villagers and asked who had selected this date for the couple. Not knowing that he was actually speaking to the emperor, the villager then replied that it was calculated by his neighbor who was a scholar in this village.
Emperor Qian Long then blurted out that, "Today is a very bad day according to the date selection classics. Why on earth did your neighbor choose this day for such an important event?"
"Oh, what I understand from my neighbor is that today is indeed an inauspicious day but he mentioned that because a noble person will pass by our village today, all bad energies will retreat and be suppressed. In fact, because of the arrival of this VVIP, the moment will turn auspicious and great blessings will be felt" said the villager.
Qian Long was surprised to find out that there were actually very skillful people among the commoners. So highly skilled that even they could predict the timing of his arrival.
This story was taken from a small paragraph in the book which emphasizes the presence of noble people or Gui Ren in important events. Hence, it is not uncommon to see ministers, celebrities and politicians being invited for ground breaking or business opening ceremonies. This enhances the "Man" component or Ren He of the cosmic trinity.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Beauty and the Sun (Yuan Qi Men)
At 12 pm sharp, dark cloud makes way for the sun. |
The sun shines on the shop. |
Lion dance and ribbon cutting. |
"Rain, rain go away. Come again and another day. Because today is my client's big day."
My client plans to start a beauty school. A month ago, she rang me up and wanted me to pick a saturday for the Opening ceremony so that she could invite her friends, relatives and business associates to witness this great milestone of her career.
November has been a wet month. But I need the sun to be out for the special moment as this is a beauty business. So, I picked the moment for her since 2 weeks ago, based on Xuan Kong Da Gua Date and San Yuan Qi Men Dun Jia System. Besides the good formation of Xuan Kong hexagram date structure, I also ensure that a good door arrives at the sitting hexagram and in this instance, the Scene door or Jing Men (景门到山).
In the study of Qi Men Dun Jia, Jing Men represents, amongst other things, elegance and reputation. It is akin to the attributes of Li gua. It is also an auspicious door to use besides Grow, Rest and Open doors. Therefore, it is the most apt door for a beauty business.
I told her to cut the ribbon at 12pm sharp. Lion dance to follow after that.
Close to 12 pm, the sky was still gloomy and worse still, the drizzling has not stopped. I told the organiser to start to standby the ribbon cutting, lion dance troop and guests as the timing was near.
Strangely, at 12 pm sharp, the drizzle suddenly stopped and the dark cloud made way for the sunshine and cast the ray onto the shop. I took a few pictures to help you visualise better.
The ribbon was snipped. Lion dance began and lasted for 15 minutes. The crowd gathered outside the shop celebrating and gracing the event.
At 1215 pm, the guests proceeded for their lunch inside the shop.
A couple of minutes later, the weather resumed. A downpour followed.
I overheard some guests were saying they found the whole thing so inexplicable. But I know why.
Thank you San Yuan Qi Men and Xuan Kong Da Gua.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Leakage of Wealth through the Window
Many clients told me that their previous feng shui master had advised them to install a partition or screen after they step into their house or HDB unit.
This is to ensure that the qi does not come in from the main door, whiz through the living room and immediately dash out of the window. In another word, if you are able to see your window or balcony when you are at your main door, you will suffer from wealth leakage.
Worse still, if your bedroom also has such situation, add another partition immediately after your bedroom door to shield it from the room window. End up, you may need to go though a labyrinth before you hit your bed.
The unfortunate thing is that almost all of Singapore's HDB or even condo, especially those built in the early days, are designed as such. But the phenomenol thing is that, most Singaporean's affluence level have seen an increase over the years.
Does qi really behave in this manner? When do we need to really insert the partition? Wouldn't it be better to have an internal Ming Tang or circulation space? Aren't you blocking the good qi from entering?
The findings I gather is that, instead of preventing the wealth from leaking, all of my clients that have subscribed to the recommended solution either suffer from some financial issues or could not break through the status quo.
But the renovation contractors certainly have more jobs.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Zi Chou Separation?
It has been quite a while since I talk about bazi. So, I decided to write something that I thought can provide a fresh perspective for those who are into bazi.
Do you find it strange that if I say Zi and Chou (rat and ox earthly branches) are not combination but separation?
Am I talking nonsense?
I thought my bazi teacher and almost all bazi books mention that zi and chou are one of the 6 combinations? You may instinctively ask.
Zi Chou can actually be perceived as a sign of separation after coming together. 先合后分的现象。
For a very simple reason, it is a countering relationship of earth and water in the hidden stem.
Therefore, zi chou in spouse palace is not something blissful and sentimental that one always think so.
There are more of such things in bazi. I call it false image.
Saturday, November 12, 2011

- Heaven Official Nobleman
- Fortune Star Nobleman
- Heaven Nobleman
- Harmonious Star
Monday, November 7, 2011
Xuan Kong Feng Shui - The Judgement Day
There are 3 words to sum up the 4-day Xuan Kong Feng Shui course: Interactive, Fun and Challenging.
There were great bondings especially towards the last day among the participants despite the fact that some do not know each other in the beginning. Participants were eager to exchange their personal experience in feng shui and question some of the fundamentals. To me, this is the spirit of learning. Sometimes, there is no right or wrong in your answers, it is just a matter of perspectives. Afterall, feng shui is also an art that calls for judgement. It is never meant to be an exact science.
I looked forward to everyday of the course because everyday was filled with laughters from the class. I believe that our mind absorbs the most when we are relax and we enjoy ourselves during the learning process. To me, there are no stupid questions. I encourage participants to ask, to be curious and to be bold in their thinking process.
The last day was wonderful. This was the moment that everyone geared up to assess the feng shui of real properties and then corroborate with the actual events that have taken place. We set out our journey in a convoy of 3 cars, heading to 3 different types of properties one after another to get our hands dirty. The lunch at the teow chew restaurant was sumptuous. The bubble tea that were prepared by the gorgeous lady boss at her bubble tea factory at 5 pm arrived timely to quench the thirst of inquisitive students. I seldom drink bubble tea but after trying it, I am going back for more!
A big thank to all the participants for being so spontaneous and adventurous. Congratulations to everyone of you who will now know how to fly the stars to a greater height.
Click here for participants' reviews!
First stop on the day of practical - Florida condo. |
Feng Shui master at work. |
The place for lunch. |
2nd Destination - at a 7-storey office building in the east. |
Participants taking turn to take the reading. |
Discussing the qi distribution inside the office. |
Participant presenting her findings to the group. |
Everyone was engrossed in the discussion. |
3rd stop - Cititech building |
Building footprint - every unit has their own facing. So how? |
No worries, it is quite easy to determine actually. |
Cheers to good health and yummy bubble tea by SHARE TEA. |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tau Sa Piah whets the Green Dragon's appetite
An entry search for "Singapore famous tau sa piah (red bean pastry)" in google gives me many results showing the name "Long Fa" at 639 Balestier Road.
According to what I know, this shop, which also operates like a cafeteria, has been established at the same Balestier spot since 1940s.
I heard many rich and famous, including ministers, do patronise this supposedly Singapore first original Tau Sa Piah outlet. Besides the decades-old branding, the deliciousness of the pastry, i wonder if the feng shui does have a role in the fame of this shop.
I frequently drive pass this corner shop but have yet to set foot on it. The last and only time I tried the tau sa piah was a treat by my client at his office. It tasted quite good but it could have been a better experience if I did not have to eat and discuss a case at the same time. Half of the time I was gobbling down the delicacy.
One Jia-zi cycle is what this shop has gone through. Nevertheless, it is still going strong despite the fact that other tau sa piah shops also sprung up in the vicinity. Just along the same stretch of shophouses, there are already 2 more competitors.
Landform plays an extremely important role in feng shui, superceding formula-ed feng shui. Take a look at the picture and you will see the shop conforming to basic rules of yin and yang. Green dragon side is active while the tiger side is tamed and remained yin. The fast moving traffic also slows down towards the turning. Couple with the gradual higher ground on the left of the shophouse, Long Fa becomes the first shop in the row to enjoy the qi returning back to them.
In order to maintain its competitiveness, I think they must have secretly fed the tau sa piah to the tiger and the dragon too.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Wondrous Qi Men Dun Jia helped my client
The deal is extremely important for him.
Past few months have been lousy and life was miserable with so many highly anticipated deals suddenly called off at the 11th hour. I can imagine the great disappointments.
As a business owner with a family to feed and bills to pay, anxiety has built up to an intolerable stage.
I received a call from him telling me about the deal that was going to take place the next day. He had invited many angel investors to his presentation. He hoped to have their fundings and asked me how could I help him.
The timing has been fixed. It wasn't really a suitable timing for him. But I told him to take certain steps in accordance to my Qi Men Dun Jia calculation.
The picture here was a snapsnot of our sms exchange. I have told him what to watch out for before going into the venue.
Later on, he also updated me on the outcome of the meeting. I am happy for him.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sexual Agenda in Flying Stars
Perhaps it was not politically correct to discuss about the bees and birds openly during the time when classics like Fei Xing Fu (飞星赋), Xuan Kong Mi Zhi (玄空秘旨) and Xuan Ji Fu (玄机赋)were penned by the feng shui scholars many hundreds years ago. So, it might had been the researchers and writers' deliberate intent to subtly weave in taboo topics like adultery, homosexuality and incest into the classics to capture and present to historians later on such hush-hush affairs.
I have always enjoyed poring through those classics especially intrigued by the interpretation on the poetic verses, the explanations on the interactions between the trigrams, the yins and the yangs and stripping down to 5 elements interplay. These are indeed good foreplay for people like me who want to penetrate very deeply (excuse me for the pun) into the study of 81 combinations of flying stars. It is just so titillating.
Because this involves some adult contents, do switch over to my other postings if you are below 18 years old and not ready for such kinky stuff. Because this involves the birds and the bees, some older and more conservative masters may not feel comfortable to talk about it in the class.
Because I am not so old yet and I am quite affected by the 4,1 flying stars combo (and thank god not 3,1), I will be exposing the sexual agenda in my October 2011 Xuan Kong Feng Shui class. Pardon me for the advertisement here. Before the class, I have come up with some teasers , some thoughts-provoking questions related to flying stars for your deliberation. You can attempt to answer them, share your thoughts and think of how to apply them in real life situation.
- Which flying stars combo leads to scandalous behaviour between you and your sister in law?
- Why 3,1 combo is also known as combo of 15? What is the implication in terms of relationship?
- Under what circumstances, seeing water outside 4,1 means: a) Peach Blossom luck b) Peach Blossom Sha?
- Why some men staying in some house, make them more yin or I should say Metrosexual?
- What is a lesbian trigram image?
- 6,2 and 6,7. Which combo is better to conceive a baby if given only these 2 choices?
- if you do not want to be a lonely and desperate housewife, then you should not select a house with door having star 9 and star 6. Why?
- If you wife always find excuses not to discharge her duties in the bedroom, then relocate your bed to this sector with this combo. It will help to tickle her a bit.
- This combo is quite prevalent in Period 8 house. Very risky for the ladies if your hubby already has roving eyes. When star 5 comes, he is likely to contract veneral disease.
- Quite a trend now to see older women going out with young boys. Just like Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong in the past. What flying stars combo or gua image do you think represent this?
- Do you have any idea which stars combo will trigger Romeo and Juliet to elope?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Journey of a San Yuan Di Li Practitioner
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Did he know Qi Men Dun Jia?
Let me first copy and paste a couple of paragraphs from the report on Mas Selemat's Esccape.
"The COI finds that on Wednesday, 27 Feb 2008, Mas Selamat escaped from
WRDC between 3:54pm and 4:05pm. He was scheduled for his weekly family
visit from 4:00pm to 4:30pm. The family visit was to take place in an assigned
Family Visit Room, in a Family Visitation Block, at WRDC. As part of the
family visit routine, Mas Selamat was escorted by two Gurkha Contingent
(“GC”) guards and a WRDC Special Duty Operative (“SDO”) to a changing
room for him to change out of the WRDC-issued attire into his own civilian
clothes. Mas Selamat was then escorted to a toilet located next to the Family
Visit Room to shave and comb his hair as part of the family visit routine. After
entering the urinal cubicle inside the toilet, Mas Selamat closed the urinal
cubicle door. He flipped a pair of greenish-grey pants that he was wearing over
the concrete ledge above the urinal cubicle door, and turned on the water tap
inside this cubicle."
"Having climbed down the water pipe, Mas Selamat was on the ground at the
rear of the Family Visitation Block. There is no conclusive evidence of the
exact route Mas Selamat took to escape. However, the COI’s view is that Mas
Selamat was likely to have used a route 20 metres to the right of the ventilation
window [as one faces the perimeter fences from the ventilation window].
Based on the report, I gathered information on the timing and direction of his escape. With this, I am able to plot the Qi Men hour chart (see below) for that moment to see if we can fish out some clues. The Qi Men hour chart for that hour was Yang 9th Ju.
Based on what was mentioned in the report that Mas Selemat was likely to use the direction towards the right of the window, we can say that he was running towards northeast direction. In this case, the northeast sector, Gen Palace, contains Du door (杜门). Among the 8 Wondrous Doors, this door is not really an auspicious door. However, the exceptions are when it is used for hunting and escaping.
In addition, there is a formation known as 地户逢星 derived from the combination between the heaven and earth stems. In the classic, it is written that one can leverage on its energy to go "invisible" or basically undetected. It is also applicable for people who want to disengage themselves with the world and become a hermit.
Qi Men Dun Jia is famously known and used by military strategists and astrologers like Zhu Ge Liang and Liu Bo Wen to help their state to gain an upper hand during war. Today, one can use it for interviews, negotiation, debt collection, games, examinations, marriage proposal and etc.
To conclude, one can always say that this case study is pure coincidence. Well, my intention is merely to bring up such uncanny coincidence to people who are learning and reading up on Qi Men Dun Jia.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
I saw the SIGNS

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Xie Zi Fa is no longer a secret

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection Course + Feng Shui Tour to Columbariums [9 to 11 Sep 2011]

Monday, August 8, 2011
San Yuan Qi Men Date Selection - a Waiting Game

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Seeking Dragon and Locating the Spot @ Kao Hsiung Taiwan

Buried in rocky grounds - it is analogous to subjecting the deceased to perpetual sha qi.

Buried on dragon vein? Future generations will suffer from great fluctuations in luck.

Positions of trees, cracks on ming tang, tombstone, depending on location, affect either 1st, 2nd or 3rd son and etc.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A Niche Market

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How to Feng Shui your BTO flat

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4th Run of Bazi Workshop - Some controversial topics
Thanks to the support of blog fans, clients and fengshui/bazi enthusiasts, I am organising the 2-Day bazi workshop again which objective is to teach participants how to do practical bazi reading and offer practical solutions to their friends and clients.
You can click this link to my previous post to see some of the questions that we will address.
On a technical level, we will address some of the concepts that have always been subjected to alot of controversies and heated arguments. We must acknowledge the fact that there are many school of thoughts in the study of bazi and in this class, we will try to make sense out of some these theories. For instance:
- Daymaster born in season is not always a strong chart. True?
- Rich people are not always strong Daymaster. False?
- When does a chart becomes a follower and when it is not
- Under what situation do you consider a combination that remains a combination and does not transform. What does it imply in real life?
- Yin+Hai and Si+Shen = separation or combination?
- Daymaster born in earth month. How do you know it is really earth month and not born in season. For example, a Fire daymaster born in Chen month.
- Can Useful God be not in your bazi?
- Fan Yin Fu Yin must be sad event?
- Yi wood daymaster is certainly cunning? Then what is the role of Ten Gods for?
- Does earthly branches carry more weights than Heavenly Stems? Then why do most of the important classics like Qiong Tong Bao Jian and Di Tian Sui talk about stems if it is not important?
- Can my bazi turn from weak to strong because of the Luck Cycle?
- No wealth star in bazi and yet millionaire.
- Strong wealth star and yet went bankrupt. [Arbitration Useful God is missing]
- etc. etc. etc
If you are keen to see bazi from a different perspective, I welcome you to join us on 30 & 31 July 2011 in Singapore. Drop me an email at for course details and early bird fee by 20 July 2011.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Different Folks, Different Strokes but Same Objective

The 3rd run of Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection Class ended yesterday after visiting 2 HDB flats and 1 retail shop. From the west to the east, the cars formed a convoy, bringing everyone from one point to another but stopping over at 136 Tampines Food market to satisfy our hunger after visiting an interesting case at Bukit Batok West. This is a period 8 HDB flat (sitting Wu facing Zi) with missing sector in the NE, which is the cause for the occupants' chronic health issues. What is the health issue and which Life Gua are affected? It is all in the Xuan Kong.
All participants have the good chance to see how the cosmic trinity in Xuan Kong Da Gua is applied to usher in prosperity. Although everyone came from different schools, the zealousness in everyone to pick up this ancient knowledge has sparked off exciting exchanges on topics from flying stars to date selection to luo pan models.
Participants were also taught on exceptions to use XKDG date even when the day and hour branches were clashing. In fact, some grandmasters have termed such dates as "instantaneous prosperous san sha formation".
旺气归中 or loosely translated as "Wang Qi returns to centre", are auspicious XKDG date formation that not only ushers in great wealth but also for healing purposes. This was discussed during the 2-day theory class.
The last destination got us to my client's house near Tampines Junior College . This is a good case study to illustrate how door tilting is done so that 7-star Robbery broke into the house. No, this is not a feng shui boo-boo that subjects the owner to "robberies" but to help the house to rob the prosperous qi for them. My client told all of us that to date, since she moves in in April, she has "kena" 3 times of 4D - or lottery. I hope she has recovered her renovation cost.
On behalf of the class, I would like to take this opportunity to thank her, Ms Meow Meow (you know who u are :)), for the fragrant coffee, paos, teas and warm hospitality!! And also a big thank you to all the participants who have made this class so interesting and hilarious with all your "heated exchanges" with each other....
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
It is all about Within the Gua

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
White Tiger and Green Dragon

When come to the selection of unit in a row of shop-houses, I would normally check the external fengshui using naked eyes then followed by luo pan to determine the energy distribution within the unit. Of course, what is very important is also how the main door of the shop is positioned.
Doing feng shui without luo pan is not about casting a divination (卜卦 ) on the spot using Yi Jing to determine the auspiciousness of the house. It is merely based on the concept of yin and yang. Before all the formula-based fengshui methods were established, this millennia-old art simply relies on the yin and yang surrounding of the house to determine its prosperity, health, relationship and affected occupants.
An intimate understanding on the concept of white tiger, green dragon, black turtle and red phoenix or right, left, back and front respectively (十字天心) of a property is able to reveal juicy stories happening inside. Henpecked husband, sickly wife, sexual problem, haunted house, politicking, poor business, prosperous business, high staff turnover and etc are some examples of using yin-yang concept to do the reading – just by standing in front of the house and without even dishing out the luo pan.
How is this done?
You see. Either green dragon or white tiger, it is associated with certain attributes. For instance, the tiger side represents woman, the front of your house is wealth, the back is health/relationship and the left or dragon side is man. Just to name a few. And you are supposed to see water, mountain, building, drain, empty land , road and etc only in certain area.
In a street where there are 2 rows of shop-houses, which shops actually prosper depend on which side they are located. In addition, we also look at whether the dragon side is stronger. How the road is sloping pass the shop is also a major consideration. Is the road sloping from the tiger to the dragon side or is it the other way round.
For your shop to make money, you should have higher ground on the right of your shop. You will then receive what is known as reverse water. On the other hand, if it is other way round, your business will not be too good compare to your neighbor opposite. Furthermore, be mindful of staff issue especially if you employ mostly ladies.
What if you are not able to tell which side is higher? Then may I suggest you visit the shop during raining day and you will see how the water is flowing on the road.
Above is just a simple illustration. There are more layers to it. I will slowly peel the layers of onion.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Xuan Kong Da Gua (64 Hexagrams) Date Selection Course [3rd Run]

Qn: Is your feng shui creating fast result for you?
Answer: My personal experience is result can be as fast as within 1 week in urban building. Your bazi must match with house and match with timing. I will explain to you the technique.
Qn: Why did my neighbour tilt his door? Does it work?
Answer: This is to change the flying stars chart to reap the benefit of prosperous stars. More importantly, we tilt to a better hexagram in the chinese compass to bring in the missing element in your house, for instance, wealth or child. I will teach you.
Qn: I need to install a fish pond or water feature outside my house at the garden. I hope to have more income $$$. How can Xuan Kong Da Gua help me?
Answer: First observe the principle of direct and indirect spirit. Then, we can pick a good XKDG timing and using main door as the reference point in relation to the pond, we align to the correct hexagram. I will illustrate to you.
In this 3-day workshop, we have specially dedicated a day for practical lesson for participants to understand how fine-tuning to 1 degree in your luo pan is carried out on your door, your bed and your office desk to create fast result.
You DO NOT need to know Yi Jing. You are only required to have basic concepts of flying stars and bazi (4 Pillars of Destiny).
Date : 24 to 26 June 2011 (Fri/Sat/Sun)
Venue : To be confirmed (will be in Singapore central area near MRT)
Course Notes : Will be Provided
Note : We will also like to invite participants to volunteer their Houses, HDB, Condominium or Office for practical lesson to make the whole learning experience REAL!