According to my very reliable source in Taiwan, Xie Zi Fa is a term coined by GM Zeng Zi Nan after he met Professor Li Le Qiu supposedly in the 50's or 60's. Prof Li, who was teaching in a university, was the one guarding this "powerful secret system" at Taiwan then. Both of them became friends and in order to get hold of the sacred system, GM Zeng offered to exhange his San Yuan Di Li Feng Shui method for it.
In the 60's, topics on fengshui remained mysterious and at that point in time, not many people would know what is 8 Mansions, Flying Stars, Da Gua, Qi Men and etc. GM Zeng, who was also known to be a shrewd business person, actively promoted and publicised on some of the systems that he was using. And one of them was Xie Zi Fa. Nevertheless, if you have the opportunities to read some of his books, which I have read many of his, he had never described a single thing on what is Xie Zi Fa all about.
Alot of people then start to associate with Chou Yao Huan Xiang or claimed that it is an extension of Xuan Kong Da Gua. I think it is not incorrect to think in that manner because I see that his application of Xie Zi Fa did incorporate and use in tandem with Da Gua. However, Xie Zi Fa is a system by itself. It talks about a situation when mountain can become water, water can become mountain. Yin can be yang and yang can be yin. In the picture that I have inserted here, the words Xie Zi is to be read as "Ci Er Zi". Zi means child. That has also led me into thinking that it might have certain association with "Reverse and Forward Child" formation. Again, this is my assumption on his application. And I need to stress again that Xie Zi Fa theory is, from what I have discoverd in Taiwan, something that can be independently applied.
Also to my surprise, it is something that I realised I have already known but it is named differently. You too could have already known. It was a sacred art in the 60's but in 21st century, it has become a passe.
I have decided not to reveal what it is all about as it will be a shattered dream to some of us. It is not easy to accept reality.
Hi Master,
Why would it shattered some dreams? will it be againts bazi long held beliefs etc?
Good morning
it has nothing to do with bazi.
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