If you want the best result, you got to wait - sometimes as long as a few months.
After a good Xuan Kong Da Gua date is selected in relation to the house sitting hexagram and the occupant's hexagram, san yuan qi men date practitioner like us usually go on to calculate that for the particular hour, to make sure the Qi (mystical heavenly stem) and Men (8 doors) are present at the specific hexagram position so that we get the result we want.
This shopping mall is in Taiwan Kao Hsiung and it is one of the biggest malls in town. It is designed to look like a blue whale. When I was there shopping, I saw that the mall was quite packed with shoppers and to me, it looks quite successful as compared to the other many malls that I have gone to.
We can attribute this to the good fengshui job but without a proper date selected to inaugurate the operation of the mall, things may not turn out that well.
In fengshui, especially for burial, it is imperative that the practitioner chooses a rainy day if the burial site resembles sea animal shapes like prawn or fish. On the other hand, if the auspicious site selected has the formation of a bird or crane, then it is very crucial that before the burial job is carried out, gusts of wind surround the place.
A meticulously calculated San Yuan Qi Men timing was used during the opening ceremony. The master had beforehand, instruct the mall manager to build tentages as heavy downpour would occur during the time. The manager felt a bit puzzled as for the past few days, there was no rain and the weather was sunny throughout. Any how, the manager still proceeded to carry out the master's instruction.
At that day before the opening ceremony, the sky was still blue and sunny. Strangely, just moments before the specific hour, the sky suddenly turned gloomy and when the ribbon was about to cut, it rained.
The whale is alive.
So, how do we know which day and hour it is going to be a rainy day?
This involves some technical knowledge which I will share in my future postings on San Yuan Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection.
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