Sally (not her real name) is a housewife who is in her 40's. She is married and has 2 children who are in their teenage. Her husband runs a small IT business and works hard to provide for the family. They stay in a HDB flat which they have bought more than 15 years ago and live by everyday just like any other family.
Nobody would expect Sally has gone through so much in her life – especially after she has moved into this house on the 8th floor. Shouldn't 8 bring her good tidings and money luck since 8 sounded like "fa" which means prosper in Chinese? No, life has taken a toll on her. A series of event had happened not only on her but her loved ones. She told me she almost killed herself. I can never imagine she used to be a bubbly person when I met her.
She contacted me via email last month and wanted very much to meet up for a bazi consult. One week later, we met at a cafeteria to discuss about how to help her in this current luck cycle to achieve her goals. She does not have ambitious goals. A healthy family is what she would be grateful for.
During the 2-hour consultation, the topics revolved mainly around her husband. From her husband's bazi, I told her that he is very blessed to have a wife who is caring, supportive and will standby him till death do them apart. She smiled coyly. Yes, she stood by him during his most difficult moment when he was found to have colon cancer. 5 years ago, he actually had part of his colon and stomach removed. His condition is in remission now.
Her main worry is whether the problem will come back again as she knows very well that the husband is not able to suffer another blow again. She also shared with me that on the 3rd year after they moved into this house, her mother-in-law had removed her womb because of ovarian cancer. In the following year, she was implicated in a corruption case and was interrogated by the officers from the commercial affair department because of some wrongdoings by her ex-boss. This was revealed in her bazi because for that year her authority star was clashing with the output star that was in the annual luck pillar. There is a saying in the Chinese classic, "when output star encounters authority star, troubles and mishaps will manifest."
Although she did not end up in jail and was later found to be innocent, the ordeal that she had gone through was enough to destroy her life. Fortunately, she is a strong lady. You can tell from her bazi that she is resilient because her Yong Shen (useful star) is borne in season. This means that she has that vitality to overcome all odds and never succumb herself to dark forces. If she does not have that fighting spirit, she would not have recovered from a stroke during her confinement period after she delivered her second child.
After hearing so much from her, I was very curious to investigate on her house feng shui. It definitely has a big role in it based on what I gather. Sally was also very happy to know that I am willing to make a trip to her place as she is desperate to find out what is so wrong in her home.
To know if a house has good fengshui, I usually focus on 3 things, namely, the main door, the bedroom and the stove. If the qi or energy present at these 3 areas is good, the house fengshui is good. The main door ranks first in terms of importance and I would liken it to our mouth. If the energy that flows in through the door is good, you will have a healthy and wealthy home. However, if the main door draws in harmful qi, it is akin to eating the wrong stuff and either you keep having food poisoning or toxics will build up until it explodes when there is a trigger. In this context, the trigger here is the arrival of a specific body of qi on a specific year. As an astrologer, we call it the star.
When I took out my luo pan to measure the direction of the main door and calculate the entire energy distribution of the house, I immediately told Sally that the occupants in the house will also likely to suffer from respiratory problem, apart from colon. She was surprised that feng shui can pinpoint the type of illnesses that the people staying inside are susceptible to. Indeed her daughter is having sinusitis since small.
The main door and the fengshui structure of the house expose Sally and her family to malevolent energy permanently. The problem will be exacerbated when certain stars arrive at their main door on certain years. Unless they are able to relocate or tilt the main door position, it is unlikely they can completely turn the situation around. Fine-tuning of internal energy flow by re-positioning of beds and stove can mitigate the severity of the issue but it can never eradicate the root cause. I told her I will implement some solutions to basically enhance her husband's business and the studies of her children after I calculate a good timing that connects with the house energy and the occupants. Meanwhile, I urge her to quickly look for a new house with positive fengshui structure with my help. With a main door that takes in good qi, even when the most fearful 5 Yellow star clashes into it, you will still find yourself enjoying good fortune for that year.
Sally told me she finally sees light at the end of the tunnel. I start to see her going back to her bubbly nature again.
hi Jo,
very interesting article and a good case study.
I hope she and her family can recover from this mishap.
Also highlight the very importance of main door position.
Thanks again,
hi beanie still outstationed?
The qi is cyclical and best way is to really find a better house for her case because the main door plus entire fs structure is not so good. I do not think HDB can allow door change.
Yes main door is very important. It determines your faith in a way :)
sorry i mean your fate not faith ... :P
bro, how would you explain if the occupiers have been staying in an apartment over 30 years (with no major sickness), and serious illnesses and deaths suddenly hit the family members only in recent years?
ok bro
firstly check if they have done major or some renovation before those events. Or move beds and stove and etc. Or upgrading by HDB.
let me know ok.
Hi Jo
Yes was in penang last weekend and back in pg agin this weekend.
Main door determines the fate? That serious?
Will email you directly regarding my house main door
Thanks man.
yes it is one very impt dimension. In advance fengshui, we sometime tilt main door to usher in our "wish list". But of course not so easy especially in high rise apt.
hi Jo,
Howabout high rise apartments above 12 floors? Is the main door taken from your own house door or the whole apartment entrance i.e lobby ?
Hi Jo...
I recently went with a friend to see this Thai Monk...he told me that my present flat is bad for money and marraige...as in all my money will go out...nothing will come in...marriage bad...that one U knoa already lah...haha...U must come and see my place one day...
hi sarah
is it that bad? ok lets fix a day to meet up soon.... cheers.
Anonymous >
pls identify yourself first can? thanks...
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