It was such a wonderful moment getting to know bazi enthusiasts coming from different schools sharing their experience and asking very valid questions.
Besides the .real life cases that I have prepared, participants were also eager to share interesting bazi charts belonging to monk, lady who cannot conceive, fake follower and etc for discussion to see what are the tell-tale signs.
Although the topic of useful god or yong shen and how to grade the quality of it is meant for professional level, I have decided to talk about it so that participants can appreciate the meaning. I have also introduced some major bazi formations mentioned in bazi classics such as 食神制杀 (Eating God controls 7 Killing) and 伤官佩印 (Hurting Officer accompanies Resource) hoping to trigger students' interest to read up more on chinese classic.
Do you have the elements or stars in your bazi to study feng shui and bazi? Check out Taiji Gui Ren star and Tian Yi star in your bazi. Don't have? No worries. You still can do very well if either one of your 2 thinking 10-God is present and is prominent.
Lets hear from some of our participants:"He is helpful and willing to share his treasured knowledge and able to lend us a listening ear." ~ Setthee Lee
"Alot of infomation and Jo is really willing to share his knowledge." ~ Tang C.G
"In depth bazi course." ~ Edward Lim
"Nice pace and informative. Good." ~ Ong Ling Yuhn
"Alot of practical case studies. New school of thoughts. Willing to teach and share." ~ Shuan Low
"Jo has good analytical skills and organisation of knowledge. What I like most about this course is analysing the chart and the knowledge." ~ Dr Teo Eng Kee
"What I have benefited from this course is 10 Gods theory and bazi Divination. Jo's style is simple and easy to understand. Direct to the point." ~ Choong Kok Foo
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