First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers and blog fans of Heaven.Man.Earth a prosperous and bountiful 2011 ahead.
Recently, I was asked by one of my clients on how can they see the results of fengshui and will there be any yardstick to measure the outcome. I told him yes. In fact, result of fengshui cannot be wolly. I always asked my clients during the consult what specific goals they would like to achieve so that I can prescribe the right solution for them. Insofar on all the fengshui jobs that I have done, I would like to sum up what are the issues that clients usually hired me for and what kind of tangible fengshui result that I have created for them so that they can compare the before and after.
To make things less complicated, I will just mention the Top 3 service requests for my feng shui consult:
1. Feng Shui Improvement in Business
I am talking about helping MNCs, SMEs, retailers and even property agents and financial advisors to rake in more business and sales. To break it down in specific, we zoom into the income increase over next few months. There must be an increase in prospects, leads or revenue within the first 2 months. The fastest is 3 days and that is provided I can find the "G-SPOT" (ehem I mean Good Spot) in your office which I use it to connect with you and the timing of activation. This is definitely measurable by comparing the new result with previous months.
2. Feng Shui Improvement in Health
I normally look at the stove or bedroom and re-align the bed position so that the client will be able to benefit from healing energy. The person receiving the fengshui help will be able to feel it in terms of stamina and energy level. They also fall sick less frequently after that. Patients suffering from diabetes or cholesterol can see the difference in the readings in their medical report. Those who suffer stiff neck and shoulders, migraine, soar knee cap, lower back pain and even insomnia can experience the positive effect.
3. Feng Shui Improvement in Romance
I am usually approached by ladies for this. The result is quantifiable and I have already received many good feedbacks but only a handful would like me to publish their testimonials as they do not want their new boyfriend to come to know that they have engaged fengshui help in seeking for love. (Why huh? It is not black magic what.)) The result is obvious. Most of them got attached, some of them suddenly got approached by strangers who want to befriend them (never happen in their entire life) and the rest experienced the feeling of "more guys seem to be interested in me after Jo activated my peach blossom star in my room'. I believe you can count the number of guys and hence I say that it can be quantified.
There are other interesting results which I hope to share next time.
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