Have you ever wished that your boy will excel in sport like Tiger Wood or David Beckham? Or have you dreamed that your child can be a great entrepreneur like Donald Trump or Hong Kong’s Lee Ka Shin?
Perhaps you will be very contented as long as your girl will be married to a caring husband who is able to provide well for the family. And during her old age, she will have her children taking good care of her.
As parent, and in this meritocratic society, it is normal that we want our child to excel, or at least smooth-sailing, in most areas especially:
- Academic (able to graduate with a good degree from prestigious university)
- Career (be successful in their professional pursuit)
- Marriage (marries a supportive wife or a loving husband)
In addition, we also hope that they are:
- Healthy
- Filial
- Law-abiding
Using Bazi Date Selection technique, we will help you calculate a good date and hour for you to deliver your baby so that he or she receives the desired energy for future endeavours. During the process of calculation, we will ensure that the destiny of your baby boy or girl is DESIGNED as close as possible to your wish. It is also of paramount importance that the baby’s Bazi does not clash with its parents, siblings and future offspring’s.
In DestinyAsia Global Consultancy, we go through a rigorous and detailed date selection process. Please let us know:
- the Expected Date of Delivery of your baby
- both you and your spouse’s birth data
- the birth data of baby’s sibling (if any)
- the birth data of baby’s grandparents (optional)
Based on the above, we will then calculate and select the best timing for you to deliver your baby via C-section.
Remember, the destiny of your child lies in your hand.
*Send your request to destinyasia@hotmail.com.
Hi! Is your child being selected thru dates? Why?
Is it good in Pat chee, purple star, astrology and vedic also?
Hi Anonymous
Thanks for asking.
As much as I hope to, my wife was afraid of going under the knife. Plus, she wanted to experience the natural process.
So, it is really up to individual's preference. Hope that clarifies. :)
As for your last question, I dun quite get it. You may like to rephrase for me. Thanks!
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