I am very curious about the effectiveness of this strokes-based chinese-name-analysis system (姓名学) especially when there was a bit of controversy after our Mediacorp artiste, Christopher Lee, was sentenced to jail after he changed one of the character in his chinese name.
Most of the parents that I know have, with the advice of an astrologer, chosen a supposedly auspicious name for their newborn. Do not be surprised when our christian friends also do that. And when I asked why did they do something that is against their faith, one of the answers that I get is "I am not good in Chinese." Some gave me wry smiles and awkward expressions. They could be influenced by the trend. I know I should not probe further if not it will cost me a friendship.
Anyway, astrology is not a religion. It is a science because research work has been done extensively over hundred, if not, thousand of years to prove the hypotheses. It is not a hocus-pocus thingy nor it is a superstition. Quite safe - but I must also qualify that that depends on who is the user of the system. There are alot of decepticons.
Back to the topic.

In order to select a good chinese name, you must first of all check the baby's bazi. If the bazi is lacking water element, then you may want to name him Ah Chwee. Becareful if you have a surname Lim. If you do not match it well, it becomes Lim Chwee (translated as drink water) or Khor Chwee (bitter water) if your surname is Khor. Pardon me. Please do not feel offended if you are really Ah Chwee.
Jokes aside, actually, it is the number of strokes in the chinese characters that determine the elemental value.
The question often asked is: "Will my luck change for the better after I change my name or the number of strokes in it?" For those that have changed their name, please let me know the result. As far as Christopher Lee is concerned, I do not think his luck has improved tremendously. Afterall, the effect of name is negligible as compared to the destiny chart that you have been bestowed with. I have personally seen the "(zero) effect" on my circle of friends and clients. Poor guys. They were instructed to write their new names thousand times in order to internalise it. Sweat.
If the system is indeed effective, and after you change the name, do you use it frequently? Does your business associates, clients and friends still prefer to address you as Robert or do they start to call you on your new chinese name? If they don't, then you think it will work?
I have heard from some renowned masters and also sought their opinions on this. According to them, the system was developed in Japan. It is meant for Japanese names which generally contain 4 chinese characters or more. It was later re-adapted to force-fit into Chinese names. Nevertheless, the essence was lost. The masters have unanimously opined that they have doubts over this system.

Well, alot of masters are practising this system but I am not sure if they have done serious research on the origin. One big irony is that, I read from news that the very famous celebrity Master So of Hong Kong even admitted that the system is not reliable despite the fact that he provides such service. I guess he has no choice because this service is one of the cash cows amongst the other astrological services. There is a demand. So, as a business person he has to cater to it.
PS: One word of caution to Mr and Mrs Huang: Perhaps you have run out of English name, it sounds a bit weird to name your son Beckham. I believe in a way psychologically he will be affected - especially when England was booted out in 2002 World Cup due to the red card received by Mr David.
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