The 3rd run of Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection Class ended yesterday after visiting 2 HDB flats and 1 retail shop. From the west to the east, the cars formed a convoy, bringing everyone from one point to another but stopping over at 136 Tampines Food market to satisfy our hunger after visiting an interesting case at Bukit Batok West. This is a period 8 HDB flat (sitting Wu facing Zi) with missing sector in the NE, which is the cause for the occupants' chronic health issues. What is the health issue and which Life Gua are affected? It is all in the Xuan Kong.
All participants have the good chance to see how the cosmic trinity in Xuan Kong Da Gua is applied to usher in prosperity. Although everyone came from different schools, the zealousness in everyone to pick up this ancient knowledge has sparked off exciting exchanges on topics from flying stars to date selection to luo pan models.
Participants were also taught on exceptions to use XKDG date even when the day and hour branches were clashing. In fact, some grandmasters have termed such dates as "instantaneous prosperous san sha formation".
旺气归中 or loosely translated as "Wang Qi returns to centre", are auspicious XKDG date formation that not only ushers in great wealth but also for healing purposes. This was discussed during the 2-day theory class.
The last destination got us to my client's house near Tampines Junior College . This is a good case study to illustrate how door tilting is done so that 7-star Robbery broke into the house. No, this is not a feng shui boo-boo that subjects the owner to "robberies" but to help the house to rob the prosperous qi for them. My client told all of us that to date, since she moves in in April, she has "kena" 3 times of 4D - or lottery. I hope she has recovered her renovation cost.
On behalf of the class, I would like to take this opportunity to thank her, Ms Meow Meow (you know who u are :)), for the fragrant coffee, paos, teas and warm hospitality!! And also a big thank you to all the participants who have made this class so interesting and hilarious with all your "heated exchanges" with each other....