Is this sharp pointed tip at your forehead good? Some people call this the Mei Ren Jian (美人尖)or Beauty Notch. People think only good lookers have this. Well, it is possible that such people attract opposite sex better but frankly from the angle of face reading, this is something I would prefer not to have.
Firstly, if your kids have this notch, then you have to be careful when he comes to age 14 (chinese age 15) because this notch in a way "hinders" his or her study luck. Usually, they will become more rebellious, play truant, go into BGR or even need to come out early to the society to work due to family condition.
Secondly, if you think you are ok after 14, then you are wrong. Please be prepared for a roller coaster ride in your life immediately after you hit 30. Whatever career you have built will tumble. You got to start all over again.
People having this beauty notch will likely to experience poorer affinity with one of the parents.
Does this mean all such people are born loser? The answer is no. I have seen a few cases that indeed went through challenging time but later emerge to be stronger.