Today is 3 Feb 09, which is also the last day of Mr Earth-Rat year.
Before the Ox year kicks in, I decided to do something on the very last night at the very last hour.
I have been waiting for tonight, when the clock strikes 10pm.
If you are into advance Feng Shui, you will know that based on Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection method, tonight is one of the best hours to usher in wealth into your house.

The Xuan Kong 5 elements (numbers on top) conforms to a high-grade structure known as Combo of Ten. All the other elements also at the same time produce into the day pillar. In this instance, Wood is producing into Fire.
In classic, it is said that "克入生入,名为旺。" This means that when the elements counter in or produce in to the day pillar, it will bring prosperity.
However, just by having a good date and hour is not enough.
The following must also be fulfilled:
1. The date must match your personal hexagram.
2. The date must match your house hexagram.
3. The house hexagram must match your personal hexagram.
When all of the above fall into place, you will experience the power of true feng shui.
How soon will it take effect? If everything is in perfect order, within 2 hours, you should be able to see the desired result.
For those that are jobless, you will suddenly receive calls from headhunters. For those companies that are in the process of winding up, they will suddenly receive orders or white knights will come to their rescue. The date is also good for healing or surgical purpose.
Not easy to get such date. One may need to wait for 1 year for this day to come. But is such a date the one and only type that we can use? The answer is no. There are many ways to skin a cat.